Elder Nelson- Disciplinary Action


Moderator Elder Nelson- Disciplinary Action


Elder Nelson gets Disciplined.
As we have said many times before, when you belong to the only true church on this Earth, there are certain standards members must uphold. And when those standards are not met, there are consequences which the offender must face.
Bishop Angus noticed that Elder Nelson had taken his phone, and therefore had access to all the Bishop_s ordination video records.
However, Bishop Angus decided he wouldn_t correct the situation right away, but instead took pleasure in knowing what punishment the young Elder would have to face for such a transgression.
While Elder Nelson was supposed to be studying his scriptures, the devious young man used his personal study time to watch the videos of Bishop Angus inseminating young men, such as himself, with the priesthood.
Elder Nelson knew very well that these records were confidential, and were only meant to be viewed by the leadership with the proper authority, but this didn_t stop him from partaking.
The rebellious and obviously horny young man had misbehaved on more than one occasion, and recently he had to accept the consequence of those actions, and be disciplined by Patriarch Smith.
But for a man such as Nelson, is being stripped naked, groped, fondled, spanked and pushed to the brink of orgasm truly a form of discipline for this adventurous lad?
It is obvious that there is nothing Elder Nelson is not willing to try, and it was made clear to all of the brethren, after having viewed the video record, that he and everyone involved in this disciplinary action enjoyed themselves way too much especially when Elder Nelson gave up his sperm for the offering.
Patriarch Smith


Elder Nelson
File Name : Elder Nelson- Disciplinary Action.mp4
File Size : 689.08 MB
Resolution : 1280x720 @ 1706x720
Duration : 00:15:46

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