pbp-ma.playboy.com- Playmate of the Year 2019: Jordan Emanuel


pbp-ma.playboy.com- Playmate of the Year 2019: Jordan Emanuel

From Playboy Bunny to Miss December 2018, to now, 2019 Playmate of the Year, the stunning, Jordan Emanuel is out to change the world through her platform. Upon discovering I was&nbspone of two Playboy Bunnies who had become a Playmate and then Playmate of the Year, and the first African American to reach that milestone, I felt immense pride, she writes in her essay. So for me to reach this accomplishment nowis an honor I will forever hold close to my heart, not just for myself but for all the other black girls who are left to questions their beauty. Posing beautifully with the photographer, Adrienne Raquel capturing her, Jordan tells us about the non-profit she co-founded, Women with Voices, and the important work she does. Currently, Im working on two new initiatives which are mental health awareness plus sexual education and liberation, she says. I knew there needed to be a space where women of all financial backgrounds, races, and ages could learn from and support one another, she says of why she got into the work. When women get together and connect over shared experiences, we understand theres no difference between us. And that empowers us all. Get to know more about the remarkable, 2019 Playmate of the Year, Jordan Emanuel, right here on Playboy Plus
Jordan Emanuel

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