pbp-ma.playboy.com- Daiana Guzman in Playboy Mexico


pbp-ma.playboy.com- Daiana Guzman in Playboy Mexico

Playboy Mexico and photographer Uriel Santana have blessed Playboy Plus with their December 2011 centerfold beauty, Daiana Guzman. All-natural with light-brown hair, the Mexican-born model is a big believer in love who hasnt found her Prince Charming yet, but she knows her Latin lover is out the re somewhere. I_m not romantic per se I do not like to be given flowers, for example. But, I would love to get plush dolls and chocolates. I_m very sweet girl who loves to get sweet things she says from her white and pink bedroom. I love to show my feelings even when I have a boyfriend. I believe in love, but when it comes on its own, because you shouldnt have to look for it. Thats why Im single at the moment. As she strips off her pink lingerie with matching garter belt, the international beauty turns on the shower with the same finesse she uses to turn on men. Im not afraid of making the first move if I want the guy, she says as the hot water beats down on her chest. The first time I told a boy I liked him, we were about 13 years old and he told me he liked me too. Wait for Daiana Guzman to make the first move, right here on Playboy Plus.
Daiana Guzman

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